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Will rims void my warranty

Will rims void my warranty? Do this to be safe.

When it comes to modifying your car, one of the most common questions is whether or not adding rims will void your warranty. The answer is not a simple yes or no, as it depends on the type of rims you choose and how they are installed.

First, it’s important to understand that warranties are designed to protect the manufacturer from liability in case something goes wrong with the car. If you modify your car in any way, it could potentially void your warranty because the manufacturer can no longer guarantee that their product will work as intended.

That said, there are some types of rims that won’t void your warranty. For example, if you choose OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) rims that are designed for your specific make and model of car, then they should not void your warranty. This is because OEM rims are designed to fit perfectly and work with all of the other components in your vehicle.

On the other hand, if you choose aftermarket rims that aren’t specifically designed for your vehicle, then they could potentially void your warranty. This is because aftermarket rims may not fit properly or work with all of the other components in your vehicle. Additionally, if they are installed incorrectly or cause damage to other parts of the car, then this could also void your warranty.

In conclusion, whether or not adding rims will void your warranty depends on what type of rims you choose and how they are installed. If you opt for OEM rims that are specifically designed for your make and model of car and have them installed correctly by a professional mechanic, then they should not void your warranty. However, if you choose aftermarket rims that aren’t specifically designed for your vehicle or have them installed incorrectly, then this could potentially void your warranty. According to some reddit user it will not void your warranty to use aftermarket rims, to be safe you should ask your car dealer.

If you decide to get some aftermarket rims, check out our shop.

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